Monday, July 31, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 226 - Accidents

Here's one for the clumsy days that we can only make sense of...when they're...

re-cognized, MRF 07.31

Friday, July 28, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 225 - Diffusion

Here's one for letting the big picture stay the big the details...

stay wallet size, MRF 07.28

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 224 - Sobering Up

Here's one for the morning after the first day of the rest of your life...

the rain is gone, insert your own punch line, MRF 07.27

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 223 - Re-Positioning

Here's one for developing a sense of 'constructive paradox', so the opposites in life that we face can become...

the composites we live, MRF 07.26

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 222 - Collapse

Here's one for the days when you forget that every downward turn...

has a successful history, MRF 07.25

Monday, July 24, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 221 - Gut Reactions

Here's one for the times where the guidance is intense but tough to focus...remember what they say about blind pigs and acorns...or skip that and just get a second source before you...

roll the presses, MRF 07.24

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 220 - Steadfast

Here's one for that fork in your mind and not in the road...distance feeds choices and can lead to indecisions that are not acted on...over time the cloverleaves can clutter up what was a clear path of action...pull over, check the're already where you intended to go...choose a new destination...

it's a journey, may as well stay on it, MRF 07.21

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 219 - Weakness

Here's one for the weary...and they know better than anyone how much rest they get...Despite that, we all have three other ways (at least) to discover while we's really a question of whether you view illness something to fight or..

...a friend with a message, MRF 07.20

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 218 - Uphill Battles

Here's one for those of you at the beginning of a long process...a big change...there's nothing more endearing than devotion to the process...when you walk with that in your heart...

you travel light, MRF 07.19

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 217 - Discomfort

Here's one for the big picture...if you desire growth, prepare for pain. If you desire change, prepare for suffering. While growth is given to us physically. If we attention, we can grow metaphysically too. Change, OTOH, is an opt-in program...

so is suffering, MRF 07.18

Monday, July 17, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 216 - Second Thoughts

Here's one for the fencesitters...where the grass is always greener on both sides...

now how can that be? MRF 07.17

Friday, July 14, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 215 - Intangibles

Here's one for that overlooked side of all relationships - mystery. Too much and it spooks you off and too little and you get stale...ah, but when it's just right...

magic, MRF 07.15

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 214 - Mixed Blessings

Here's one for prosperity's paradoxes - like when you get EXACTLY what you asked for and your reaction is run in every direction at once. Take a breath and see what...

time it is inside now (hint: it's always the present), MRF 07.13

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 213 - Finality

Here's one for overcoming the dread of anything ending, since nothing ever really...

does, MRF 07.12

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 212 - Afterburners

Here's one for the times when you need to just arrive at a place and time...

with gusto, MRF 07.11

Monday, July 10, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 211 - Passion

Here's one for when you lose contact with the moment you're in and enter the wilds of your imagination - which doesn't have to have to same death grip on reality as the rest of you does? The question for you is can you let up enough to allow your...

truth to speak through you, MRF 07.10

Friday, July 07, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 210 - Permission

Here's one for when you lose contact with the moment you're in and enter the wilds of your imagination - which doesn't have to have to same death grip on reality as the rest of you does? The question for you is can you let up enough to allow your...

truth to speak through you, MRF 07.07

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 209 - Grace

Here's one for the passively spiritual moments when the 'luck-hope-dread' noose is tight around the collar...reverse the curse and get actively spiritual you'll..

find space available, MRF 07.06

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 208 - Affinity

Here's one for the non-neutrally minded...take your inherent bias for a walk...

on an uneven road, MRF 07.05

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 207 - Indifference

Here's one for strong consideration...sometimes caring less isn't about being callous at all...sometimes it's about being careful enough to know when you...

care too much, MRF 07.04

Monday, July 03, 2006

Attitude Adjustment # 206 - Ignorance

Here's a humbling reminder of how far we live from the wisdom we carry within us...

it's pretty damn far, MRF 07.03