Friday, September 30, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #10

Here's one for making use better of your competitive nature while remembering that there's a spirit of competition alive in every moment...

With Great Second Effort, MRF 09.30

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #9

If you're facing some big changes, try this one to uproot those little habits first.

Respect>Inspect>Expect, MRF 09.29

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #8

Boy! I took this one too seriously. Almost forgot to

Chillin', MRF 09.28

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #7

Here's a way to help people place their interal images into your terms so you can join them in the conversation they already had...with themselves...

In Divisible, MRF 09.27

Monday, September 26, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #6

For those of you who have been dealing with 'starting over' in one area of your life or more, here's a way to organize yourself to make lasting positive change.

Might as well, MRF 09.26

Friday, September 23, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #5

Spending too much time on your toes? Here's a way to get back on your feet and keep your eyes on the prize...

Have a great weekend...stay matter what, MRF 09.23

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #4

Got ideas? Here's a way to bring them from the backburner to the showroom. Let the world shape the road between them. You focus on bringing light to the path.

Glowingly, MRF 09.22

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #3

Having second thoughts about something? Here's a way to take those suckers in stride...let your brain change your train of thought...not vice versa!

In Significance, MRF 09.21

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #2

Here's one to try on several far into the future or past do you go? It depends on what kind of present you're in!

Create space for grace, MRF 09.20

Monday, September 19, 2005

Attitude Adjustment #1

Welcome! Here's your first listen. Be sure and pass it on. I'll be posting some guidelines to give us a way to know if we're connecting. Make the most of the day...

In Coherence, MRF 09.19